News – Storie di prosecco


Read time: 7 min.

Take life lightly, as lightness is not superficiality, but gliding over things from above.
Italo Calvino

L I G H T N E S S  T H A T  I N S P I R E S

Our story begins with our two young protagonists. She, Asian-Italian, is a young career woman on a business trip to Italy. He, the waiter, loves “the beautiful game” and art.

We are in the province of Treviso at La Ghiacciaia Restaurant, one of the most beautiful restaurants for interior design in the world. Alida is so engrossed in her frenetic activity that she doesn’t notice the offer of a
glass of Prosecco DOC from our waiter Joe.

Between one phone call and another, Alida decides to indulge in a break.

She does not know the world behind a glass of Prosecco until he puts her nose to the glass… In that instant, the bouquet of roses and acacia flowers intoxicates her, transporting her to a world in which nature is art and art is as natural as life.

It is a journey to the places of the Italian Genio.

This spirit, or Genius loci, is Antonio Canova, neoclassical sculptor, and Trevisano “DOC”.
We see this spirit inside the Canova Gypsotheca, among the neoclassical plaster statues of this great genius, among which Adonis and Venus stand out.

It is a journey posible only in the company of Joe and Prosecco DOC and Prosecco DOC rosé .

In a rhythmic and prolonged sequence, in addition to Canova’s Gypsotheca, we visit many places: Trieste with its Piazza Unità d’Italia, “Molo Audace” and Miramare Castle, Venice and its Canal Grande and the eighteenth-century Goldoni Theater, Prato della Valle and Sant’Antonio in Padua, the Natural Park of the Isonzo River Mouth near Gorizia, the basilica of Aquileia, the airiness of the paintings by Giambattista Tiepolo in Vicenza, the Palladian Villa Emo, the source of the Livenza in Gorgazzo, the Belluno Dolomites, the Temple of Canova in Possagno.

In this voyage we also visit a typical semi-bellussera vineyard and a unique circular vineyard.

It is a journey of love.

The etheral nature of neoclassical art is harmony, lightness, grace.
The sail we see in the blue sea blown by the breeze is directed towards the Far East.
Like the Venetian Marco Polo, drawn to explore new lands.

Our woman, hard at first, has now rediscovered lightness, the one that elevates us above gravity and weight of existence.

Bright bubbles rise forming worlds, the world of prosecco is straw yellow and antique pink but its iridescent shades are elusive.

It is a world in motion.

The sail, free, continues its voyage.
Reality returns after every dream.

But this time aware that a glass of Prosecco is enough to make us dream again.


LIGHTNESS THAT INSPIRES – a film by Carlo Guttadauro
starring Giovanni Luzi and Alida Gazzotti


Click here to watch the short movie “Lightness That Inspire”

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Click here to watch the story

Lightness that inspires




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